Contagious Hope - Taf Shaamano

04 Apr 2020

Deep in the darkest hour of this coronavirus pandemic, this is the call to contactlessly transmit, person to person, our adopted character of God.

Questions to Consider
Grace is a state where you are receiving something that you did not work for.
1. Do you appreciate something more if you've had to work for it or it was gifted to you? How does this view impact your relationship with Jesus?
2. Would you ever go so far as to literally die for someone you love?

Hope is a process that you work through.
1. What is the difference between faith and hope?
2. Do faith and hope play different roles in your spiritual life?
2. Has your hope changed over time? How?

God is always on time.
1. Has God ever been late to an appointed time to save?
2. What is the difference between patience and procrastination?

Making it Real
1. Engage in SPAM.

S - Seek wisdom from God through the Bible
P - Pray with earnest desire for the current situation
M - Meditate on God's Word and allow the Spirit to speak to you

2. Ask and let the Holy Spirit move you to an AAA- Appointed Annointed Appointment. This may be digital or in real life. Be ready for a social-distancing compliant act of grace.